The ability to control one’s own decisions, habits and actions.
Self-Sovereignty is the most important characteristic of this program. Your choices are what got you to this point, albeit with a lot of interference from “friends”, societal coercion, community pressures and family beliefs.
You’ve taken the first sovereign step : an awareness and willingness to change.
We are going to get your self-soveriegnty dialed-in so you not only understand what must be done, but it becomes who you are!
Winning & Worthy
Each day starts with stacking small wins. The small wins, as trivial as they sound, are your path to that ultimate vision you have for self. For example: as simple as hitting your set wake up time [win!], drinking a glass of water [win!] and meditating for one minute [win!].
That is a triple hit of huge wins!
We are going to build a massive wall of confidence within you. ‘Brick by brick’ the small wins will multiply your success and give you proof of what works: fueling self-worth!
Original & Observant
You are unique. Your body, brain and being are all products of a unique life, heritage and upbringing. We’ll start with building a baseline of basic skills that work for everyone. As you progress, we’ll observe and amplify your unique skillset and perspectives.
You are a fountain of knowledge and wisdom.
We are going to create the conditions for your uniqueness and originality to shine in mind, body and spirit.
Robust Repetition
You’ve gotten to this point in your life because you’ve repeated things... bad habits… you will have repeated the same terrible habits and thoughts over and over again… procrastination, anger, resentment, depression, anxiety, drinking, drugs, doubt.... It’s time to overhaul your habits and thought processes. Join a team on the same path!
You will understand your path and why you walk it!
Through robust repetition and practice we are going to build you into a robust and resilient warrior.
Determined & Dominant
This program is not a fad-diet or simply a workout routine. This program is about re-wiring your understanding of your own life, goals and mission! To forge an internal awareness that can overcome and dominate any doubt, challenges or pain.
This program is going to ignite a flame from the embers within you.
We are going to build an unstoppable individual who will shine the light of their unique love upon the world, determined and dominant.
Choose your compound!
> weekly accountability call
> workout program
> habit tracker
> eating guide
> 2 X warrior conference calls
every week
> Accountability chat group
> customized workout program
> habit tracker
> meditation pack
> meal plan
> 1 : 1 weekly coaching &
guidance call
> 2 X warrior group conference
calls p/week
> customized workout program
> co-created habits & tracker
> meditation master pack
> customized meal plan and shopping guide
I have been there!
& Overweight
Are you looking for more?!
↓There is more↓
I see you brother, I see you sister.
Standing at the edge of the shadow.
About to step out into the light, but something keeps holding you back.
An internal, negative dialogue running yourself down.
Fear of judgement from your family, friends and community.
Scared of your own power.
I feel you brother, I feel you sister.
Deeply knowing you were meant for more.
Possessing a glorious vision of your life, but living in self-induced hell.
Consumed by distraction and procrastination.
How do we break the cycle?
Dependent on substance and escape, numbing away the pain, avoiding your true purpose.
Casually caught up in a downward spiral.
I hear you brother, I hear you sister.
Laying awake at night, full of judgement and doubt.
Mind racing, trying to put the pieces of your life together, but they keep crumbling.
Stuck in loops that freezes any real healing or change. I know this path.
Escaping reality with obsessive use of social media, porn, TV series, movies or video games.
I know you brother, I know you sister.
You were meant for more.
I’m not calling you out! I’m calling you up!
Up to your highest potential.
Up into your power and purpose.
You are a descendant of a long line of warriors!
Men and women that created life on their own terms!
We can hear the distant drums of our ancestors.
It is time to honour them, it is time to fight!
I’m with you brother, I’m with you sister.
Together side by side we will slay these demons!
Depression, anxiety, overweight, addiction, self hatred, procrastination…
We’ll slay them all!
Because you were meant for more. More than to die of slow poisoning.
So I present to you, an opportunity of change.
A container for growth.
But YOU must pick up this opportunity, with two hands!
I present to you THE SWORD
An epic adventure to reclaim your sovereignty, confidence and strength.
A journey within to align your brain, body and being with your highest path!
There is no more time to f**k around.
The battle is raging and we need you in the fight.
Step on your path, the confidence and clarity will grow with each swing of the blade.
For you are that blade, a weapon of love!
Let your light shine
The Sword is a practical program to sharpen your mind, body and soul.
You can sharpen the sword anywhere! for you are The Sword
The Sword is a focused program to bring a cutting edge to your purpose, your power and passion.
Cut through the lies, the vices and the bad habits.
The earth is my anvil
My body the blade
My mind is the hammer
My heart is the flame
Forging my spirit
No longer a slave
Crossing dimensions
Eternal in age
© Wes James
From struggle to strength!
I am here to support you!

Ready to level up?
Let’s smash those toxic patterns down and build the ladder to your highest self!
Let’s burn down those old beliefs to light up the new!
Invest in yourself for personal development and growth.
You are worth it!
Are you committed?
You must be prepared to invest in yourself:
Get out of the scroll hole
It’s time to level up!
THE SWORD program features daily steps to reach your highest potential.
Cut through the lies! Start speaking to yourself with truth and honesty.
Who do you want to become?
What do you want to be?
Take action for yourself and your loved ones.
Bring power and purpose to your body, brain and being.